Boy Scout Event
This was an extensive marketing and branding campaign; the prompt was to find an event that was close to me personally to research and rebrand. I chose to do the Boy Scouts of America Ventura County Camporee that I took part in when I was in scouts. I researched the history of the southern California area where it took place, and integrated that into the event that was branded as the VCC. For the deliverables, I created a variety of things that the scouts would receive for participating in the weekend long trip which included: two carpenter's pencils, a field notes book, a hand carved neckerchief slide, a look-book that detailed the three day event, and stationery. Contained in the look-book would be a brief introduction to the camporee and southern Californian location, photos taken of the camporee by a staff of volunteers, a list of events and times of challenges that scout's could participate in, and a thank you page for all the local clubs and charities that donated time, people, and money.